Tenant's Responsibilities

Please be aware that as tenant you are responsible for the following:

  • Checking and clearing filters in washing machines. This may be the cause of your machine not draining.
  • Checking the filter, bag and suction hose on vacuum cleaners.
  • Replacing light bulbs and batteries in smoke detectors.
  • Replacing electrical fuses.
  • Using a plunger and drain cleaner for blocked drains before calling us.
  • We would also like to remind tenants that any food left lying out of suitable containers or cupboards may encourage vermin and this in turn be deemed as chargeable to you.
  • Keeping extractor fans free from dust and grease

When using the online form please make sure you provide us with a make and model number of the appliance, including electric showers and a detailed description of the fault.

Please also advise us if you wish to be contacted by the contractor for access or if you would like us to issue keys.

Get in touch

Contact Us

Tel: 0131 622 2000

Fax: 0131 622 2211

E-mail: support@onlineplc.co.uk

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Offices Open

Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm

Saturday - By Appointment

Sunday - By Appointment

Find Us

The Property Letting Centre
64 Newington Road